Our Tours
Think you know Box Hill? Here’s a way to increase your knowledge. Thanks to a grant from the SRLA’s Community Projects Fund, we have devised 3 walking tour apps, which can be enjoyed, either from the comfort of your lounge room, or by venturing along the routes detailed. Don’t forget to look at the many images available during the walks.
Huge thanks to those who assisted with the research and development of the tours – Think Graphic Design, Box Hill Institute for use of a soundproof studio and sound engineer Benito Seguin, Wendy Gare for volunteering her time as narrator, and the secretary and committee for undertaking the research, test-walking the route and checking the drafts. We hope you enjoy the tours.
The Society offers guided tours of Box Hill cemetery on a number of different topics (see below), and at different times of the year. Tours are usually conducted, for example, in conjunction with the local Heritage Week in September, and with the Seniors Festival every October.
If you would like to go on a mailing list to be informed of our next cemetery tour, please email us on boxhillhistory@gmail.com
Each tour lasts approximately 2 hours and usually costs $20 per person ($15 for BHHS members). Group bookings can be arranged on request.
We also offer gift vouchers for the tours, so if you are looking for an unusual gift, please contact us on the above email for details.
Please meet outside the Cemetery Office inside the Cemetery grounds. Tour participants are encouraged to dress suitably for the weather, wear comfortable shoes and BYO refreshments as required. Parking is available in Reserve Road or Whitehorse Reserve (with access to the cemetery across the footbridge.)
Tours of the cemetery are advertised in the local press, on this website, and on our Facebook page.
Cemetery Tours can be conducted on a variety of topics, including:
Pioneers: visits the graves of some of the early pioneers of the City of Whitehorse;
Famous And Unusual: includes prominent business and professional people such as Sidney Myer, C.J. Dennis and William Angliss;
Remarkable Women: includes veterinary surgeon Isabelle Reid, civil rights activist Doris Blackburn and temperance advocate Maria Kirk;
Creative/Artists Tour: includes Joy Hester (artist), Edouard Borovansky (founder of Australian Ballet), John Grainger (architect and father of Percy) and J.A. Turner (postcard artist).
Box Hill cemetery is located at 395 Middleborough Road Box Hill (Melway map 47 F10). Although cars may enter the cemetery on week days, there is limited parking available within the grounds, and it is preferable to park in one of the surrounding streets. Entry to the cemetery on foot can be made through any of five pedestrian gates.